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  • ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Practice Questions
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PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Select six of the activities that are specifically required by ISO 17021-1 as part third-party(Certification Body) surveillance audit processes.

A. Audit use of certification marks on marketing materials.
B. Review changes to the QMS since last visit.
C. Confirm effectiveness of internal audit and management review.
D. Complete a full document review of the quality management system.
E. Failing to meet financial responsibilities.
F. Review the status of previously raised findings and audit effectiveness of any outstanding findings.
G. Review the calibration status of the instrumentation.
H. Verify legal compliance.
I. Handling of customer complaints since last visit.

Question # 2

During a third-party audit of a pharmaceutical organisation (CD9000) site of seven COVID-19 testing laboratories in various terminals ata major international airport, you interview the CD 9000's General Manager (GM), who wasaccompanied by Jack, the legal complianceexpert. Jack is acting as the guide in the absence of the Technical Manager due to himcontracting COVID-19.You: "What external and internal issues have been identified that could affect CD9000 andits quality management system?"GM: "Jack guided us on this. We identified issues like probable competition of anotherlaboratory organisation in the airport, legalrequirements on COVID-19 continuously changing, the shortage of competent laboratoryanalysists, the epidemic declining soon,shortage of chemicals for the analysis. It was quite a good experience."You: "Did you document these issues?"GM: "No. Jack said that ISO 9001 does not require us to document these issues."You: "How did you determine the risks associated with the issues and did you plan actionsto address them?"GM: "I am not sure. The Technical Manager is responsible for this process. Jack may beable to answer this question in his absence."Select two options for how you would respond to the General Manager's suggestion:

A. I would not accept the legal compliance expert answering the question.
B. I would ask to audit the Technical Manager by phone.
C. I would delay the audit until the return of the technical manager
D. I would look for evidence that the actions resulting from the risk assessment had been taken.
E. I would ask for a different guide instead of the legal compliance expert.
F. I would ask the consultant to leave the meeting since he is not an employee of the organisation.

Question # 3

An internal auditor of a manufacturer of polystyrene packaging products for the electronicsindustry raised a nonconformity against section 10.3 of ISO 9001 in Report IA202. Thenonconformity (NC 3) stated:"The reject rate of the finished product of 9.7% needs improvement as it doesn't meet thestated objective of top management of 5%."As the third-party auditor reviewing the internal audit process, you come across thenonconformity. For corrective action, the Quality Manager conducted an investigation intothe reject rates. He reported that the collection baskets for products ejecting from themoulding machines were not large enough. About 6% of products fell onto the wet and dirtyfactory floor. Management stated that replacing the baskets was too costly and ordered theMaintenance Manager to ensure that the floor was kept clean and dry to prevent rejects.The auditor later checked the factory floor, which was wet and dirty in places.From the following nonconformities, select three that the auditor could raise to ISO 9001.

A. 10.3 - The organisation did not continuously improve. Reject rates were unchanged.
B. 7.1.4 - The factory environment is not suitably maintained to prevent dirty products.
C. 7.1.1 - The organisation failed to provide the required resources to prevent nonconforming products.
D. 9.2.2 - Report IA202 contained a poorly worded nonconformity (NC 3).
E. 8.6 - Dirty products were released to the customer.
F. 7.3 - Staff were not aware that products were falling onto the factory floor.
G. 10.2.1 - Conduct of an investigation was not sufficient to understand the cause of the nonconformity.
H. 8.5.1 - Production operations were not properly controlled to avoid reject products.

Question # 4

Noitol is an organisation specialising in the design and production of e-learning trainingmaterials for the insurance market. During an ISO 9001 audit of the developmentdepartment, the auditor asks the Head of Development about the process used forvalidation of the final course design. She states that they usually ask customers to validatethe product with volunteers. She says that the feedback received often leads to keyimprovements.The auditor samples the design records for a recently completed course for the 247Insurance organisation. Design verification was carried out but there was no validationreport. The Head of Development advises that this customer required the product on anurgent basis, so the validation stage was omitted. When asked, the Head estimates thatthis occurs about 50% of the time. She confirms that they always ask for feedback andoften make changes. There is no record of feedback in the design file for the course.The auditor decides to review the training course design process in more depth.Select three options that provide a meaningful audit trail for this process.

A. How are students advised about prior learning requirements?
B. How is customer feedback integrated into the course?
C. How is the cost of the course calculated?
D. What risks and opportunities have been notified to interested parties?
E. How is design documentation controlled and managed?
F. How is technical content of courses verified as correct?
G. How is the tutor trained to deliver the completed course?
H. What are the qualifications of the administrative staff?

Question # 5

You work for organisation A. You are asked to lead an internal audit of A's qualitymanagement system. It has a head office in Plant A1 and a second Plant A2 nearby. Dueto the COVID-19 pandemic, production in A2 was discontinued and it was rented to alogistics organisation B, not related to A. There are no A employees working in A2.Organisation A expects to reassume production in A2 as soon as possible.Which of the following actions would you consider appropriate when planning the internalaudit of A's quality management system?

A. Visit Plant A2 to interview personnel of company B
B. Visit Plant A2 to interview B's quality manager
C. Visit Plant A2 to interview A's security personnel and B's maintenance department
D. Interview the A2 plant manager, now working in Plant A1

Question # 6

Which of the following two documents does an auditor need to prepare and complete priorto the on-site audit?

A. Audit Report
B. Audit Plan
C. Procedures
D. Checklist / Prompts
E. Risk Matrices
F. Findings

Question # 7

Select the term which best describes the quality management system process of modifyinga non-conforming product to bring it within acceptance criteria.

A. Concession
B. Correction
C. Corrective action
D. Preventive action

Question # 8

You are an auditor from a construction organisation who is conducting a second party auditto ISO 9001 at a steel rolling mill producingstructural steelwork. When auditing the rolling process, you find that the operator who isunloading the furnace does not use theadjacent infrared pyrometer to measure the appropriate product temperature in readinessfor the next production stage.You: "How do you tell when the billet is ready for the rolling stage?"Operator: "I've done this job for 20 years. I can tell by the bright red colour."You: "What happens if the colour is wrong?"Operator: "The billet goes back into the furnace."You: "Is the pyrometer ever used?"Operator: "Only in borderline cases."You continue to interview the operator and find that around 25% of the billets are sent backto the furnace. This includes 80% of the borderline cases.Select three options that would provide evidence of conformance with clause 9.1.1 of ISO9001.

A. Periodic analysis of the results of temperature checks.
B. Certification of conformance to national standards from the manufacture of the pyrometer.
C. An increase in the use of the pyrometer by operators.
D. Maintenance plan for the furnace.
E. A procedure that provides instruction in taking billet temperature.
F. Planning for monitoring and measuring the billet temperature.
G. A quality objective to achieve lower recycle rates for billets.
H. Annual review records for furnace operators.

Question # 9

Select six tasks you would expect to be completed at the audit team meeting of a thirdpartyaudit team leader and his audit team in preparation for a Closing meeting for a fourdayinitial certification audit.

A. Audit team leader informs the individual(s) managing the audit programme that theclosing meeting is ready to be held.
B. Hold daily audit team meeting to review any timetable issues and potential findings andtheir impact on the audit for other team members.
C. Final audit team meeting to agree findings and categories including clarification of anyuncertainties.
D. Agree the roles of each audit team member for the closing meeting.
E. Audit team review any points raised by the auditee nominated representative.
F. Audit team agree final audit outcome recommendation.
G. Audit team leader completes final report, including individual findings and certificationrecommendation.
H. Audit team complete final version of their individual findings.
I. Re-audit corrective actions taken to correct findings found during the audit.

Question # 10

According to ISO 19011, what two activities take place during the conduct of a audit followup?

A. Verify the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions
B. Verify corrections taken to fix the reported non-conformities
C. Verify legal compliance
D. Plan the next audit
E. Determine feasibility of the audit
F. Assign roles and responsibilities of observers

Question # 11

Which two of the following are the key expected results of a quality management systemthat conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015?

A. Consistently provide products that meet customers' requirements
B. Decreased number of management system nonconformities
C. Decreased number of warranty claims
D. Decreased number of nonconforming products in all stages of the manufacturing cycle
E. Enhanced customer satisfaction
F. Increased profits

Question # 12

You work as an external quality consultant for an organisation, 'A', which providespackaged food to the public. You are asked to lead a team (you as the leader and twoother auditors) to audit a supplier, 'B', to ISO 9001 which provides packaging materials toyour organisation. It is 4 pm and the audit is close to an end; you are having an internalmeeting with the team to decide what will be presented to the auditee during the Closingmeeting. The Closing meeting was scheduled at 5 pm.You, as Audit Team Leader, audited top management. You explain to the audit team thatyou identified two nonconformities:a. There is no documented information on Top Management Reviews, as required inclause 9.3 of ISO 9001:2015.b. There is no evidence of Top Management Commitment as required in clause 5.1 of ISO9001:2015. (e.g., not ensuring the availability of resourcesto operate the QMS, not ensuring the establishment of objectives, no promotion ofimprovement, no promotion of the process approach).All agreed to present these two nonconformities. They went to meet the Top Managementof 'B' and noticed that the General Manager and three other managers (Production, HumanResources, and Sales) were present in the meeting room.Considering the seriousness of the two nonconformities to Top Management, as audit teamleader, from the following select the best option:

A. Present the nonconformities to the whole group and inform that you will recommendyour company to remove them from the approved suppliers list.
B. Present the nonconformities to the managers, inform them that the report will be sentwithin 10 days, close the meeting and leave the site.
C. Ask the General Manager to have a private conversation in which you present thenonconformities only to him because of their sensitive nature.
D. Present the nonconformities to the whole group and analyse with them how to overcomethis situation.

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