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PCI SSC CPSA_P_New Exam Overview:

Aspect Details
Exam Cost $350 USD
Total Time 3 hours
Available Languages English
Passing Marks 70%
Exam Format Multiple choice questions
Exam Delivery Online proctored
Certification Validity 3 years
Prerequisites None

Card Production Security AssessorCPSA Physical New Exam Topics Breakdown

Domain Percentage Description
Governance, Risk, and Compliance 30 Understanding of PCI DSS requirements and risk management
Security Operations 25 Incident response, security monitoring, and vulnerability management
Software Development Security 20 Secure software development lifecycle (SDLC) practices and coding guidelines
Secure Network Design 15 Network segmentation, encryption, and secure protocols
Cryptography 10 Cryptographic algorithms, key management, and SSL/TLS

Frequently Asked Questions

PCI SSC CPSA_P_New Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

You wish to check that you are using the most current version of the Card Productionrequirements. What should you do?

A. Have the CPSA Company’s point of contact request the document
B. Download it from PCI SSC’s Document Library
C. Email a request for the document to PCI SSC
D. View it directly via PCI SSC Assessor Portal

Question # 2

If you have a query about a missing field in the card production reporting template, whichorganization is best-placed to answer it?

A. The payment brands
B. The vendor
C. The issuer

Question # 3

During an assessment you ask to see employee records for employees with access to theHSA. The records include information about the screening process, including backgroundinformation from the employee application process. The oldest background Information thatis available is for an employee that left the vendor (terminated their contract) one yearpreviously. You note this as non-compliant, why?

A. Employee information, including background checks, must be stored for at least seven years
B. Employee information must be securely destroyed (e.g. securely wiped) within 2 years (after termination of contract)
C. The vendor must retain the background information for at least 18 months after termination of contract
D. The vendor must only retain background information for all current employees, not for those that have been terminated

Question # 4

The vendor's technical documentation shows that the alarm system does not send alerts tothe security control room. After a discussion you learn that the alarm works perfectly, andsends a clear signal to summon the local police every time an emergency exit is opened.Why might this cause a problem for their assessment?

A. If the local police have not been issued with an exterior key. they will not be able toinvestigate the cause of the alarm and reset it
B. During working hours, the alarm should be managed in the security control room, or by acentral monitoring service
C. If the local police receive too many false-positive alerts, they may not respond within 15minutes of the alarm
D. During busy times, the local police may not be able to respond

Question # 5

Which of the follow best describes a Technical FAQ?

A. Technical FAQs only apply to the specific technology as the FAQ defines it
B. Technical FAQs can be submitted to PCI SSC at any time
C. Use of the Technical FAQs is mandatory, they shall be used during an assessment
D. Use of the Technical FAQs is optional, they are considered guidance

Question # 6

A vendor is unsure which forms are needed to complete an assessment. Who should they ask?

A. Assessor
B. Issuing banks
C. Payment brands

Question # 7

A vendor uses codes from a chip manufacturer to ‘unlock’ chips and prepare them for useby adding applications and keys. Which of the following best describes this process?

A. Data creation
B. Data preparation
C. Manufacture
D. Pre-personalization

Question # 8

In relation to guards, which of the following must the vendor ensure?

A. A clear segregation of duties is maintained between production staff and guards
B. A clear segregation of duties is maintained between guard and reception related jobfunctions
C. There is always at least one guard on-site, including outside of working hours, to monitorsecurity systems and premises
D. There is always at least one guard in the HSA and one guard in the security controlroom at all times

Question # 9

A vendor discovers that a recent shipment of cards is missing a set. Which of the followingresponses would you expect in a compliant organization?

A. An immediate call is made to the issuer and the VPA who, between them, contact lawenforcement and put together a joint statement
B. The head of security initiates a meeting, and once the VPA approves the messaging,law enforcement is notified in two days
C. A report is requested by the issuer, the vendor sends it to them, and the issuer handlesthe incident with the local police
D. After an incident review, the VPA, issuer and law enforcement are all notified within 24hours

Question # 10

To liberate a person detected inside of the inner shipping delivery room and stop the alarm,the software monitoring the access-control system must only allow the opening of whichdoor?

A. The external facing door
B. The internal facing door
C. The last activated door
D. The least secure door

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